Friday 18 July 2014

See Jane Faceplant

My eldest sister Sarah, as some of you know, is very fond of asking “the question of the day.” Many a conversation has been started, revived, continued, and generally assisted by a properly timed QOTD. One of my favorites is “Which Disney character are you?” I always used to respond with an immediate “Belle, cuz she gets the best library and has a habit of raising her eyebrows.” But, upon revisiting “Tarzan” I have come to the conclusion that I am infinitely more similar to Jane.
          Belle always had one major shortcoming; she went to the West Wing. It’s a classic case of “you had one job.” Totally annoys me. Well, that and allowing a sheep to eat a corner of her book. Jane’s major shortcoming is that she is rather awkward. When she first appears in Tarzan she is pushing her way through a bamboo forest armed with a parasol and a sketchbook. Her hair is in her face, she is tripping over everything, and her rather impractical skirt is causing no small difficulty. I so relate to that. 

           Later she gets into a scrape with some baboons and ends up stuck “in a tree with a man who talks to monkeys.” Unfortunately, I can relate to that too.  
          Let me tell you, I’m no graceful smooth person. I tend to trip over stuff. And talk too much. And wear the wrong skirt on jungle-exploration day. I guess what I’m trying to say is I don’t have my act together. I’m not likely to ever have my act together. And it gives me hope to see Jane, in all her fumbling hilariousness, thrive in the African Jungle.
          Now no one panic, I don’t think my life is going to be like a Disney movie and I have no intentions of marrying a man in a loin cloth. But I do want to be as willing to learn and as open to others (despite fashion and cultural differences) as Jane is.

          P.S.  I totally recommend revisiting “Tarzan” if you haven’t seen it in a while. It’s infinitely refreshing to see a lady absolutely clobber a herd of baboons with a yellow lacey parasol. 


  1. Oh c'mon - marrying a man in a loin cloth should definitely not be stricken from the bucket list just yet;-) I always thought Kenna "should be" Jane because Jane looks like Kenna, in drawn form, to me. But she likes Aurora and Belle:-)

  2. I definitely approve! Jane is my absolute favorite :) All right, enough of this. I want that paper on the count of three. One, two... Oh, look! Bananas!

  3. Dude! This is awesome! I would say I agree with the shortcomings of Belle, I mean, come on, you had one rule to obey plus a library of books to read. Sheesh!

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